

Return of the Tchae: the story

Last chapter of the saga, "The Return of the Tchae"
concludes the adventures of Fagiolo Gions.


Having brilliantly solved the main problem 
of Pitone the first day of employment,
thus allowing the start of mass production of
leading product thanks to exclusive glue,
and after seeing the Tchae catching fire, apart from
getting away from the company, Fagiolo finds himself
having to take over the company's future,
like his father before him.

Will Fagiolo fix once for all 
the problems of the company? 
What mysteries govern it? Will Tchae be back 
or a suitable title was needed only to conclude ?

These questions will be answered by Fagiolo
throwing himself headlong into his latest adventure!


Return of the Tchae: downloads

The final version of the game is now available for download from here.

The official poster of the game:


Some screenshots from the game:

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